Keywords (Dummy)

This list contains keywords used in HELL: Legends. It will help you quickly find the terms you're looking for and will be expanded and refined over time.

Keyword Icon Definition
50% ChanceRoll the Chance-Die: Checkmark: Gain the bonus; X: You miss
Attack DiceAttack Dice are white, yellow, red or black dice. They do not include Special Dice.
bleedDiscard all Bleed tokens at the start of your turn. Suffer as many Wounds as Bleed tokens discarded. (Bleed 3 = 3 Wounds)
critCritical Hit. The Dice shows the highest number and lightning around it. This is an instant Wound and is unavoidable.
DMGDamage - The Sum of your Dice plus Modifiers, which is matched against the enemies defense
fixPlace it. It is fixed now, as you can not get it back.
fleeA Character must move X spaces directly away from the inflicting figure. Can also be used with Zones if defined.
moveMove your figure up to the number of spaces, e.g. Move 3, you may move up to 3 spaces.
poisonDiscard 1 Poison Token at the start of your turn. Suffer 1 Wound. Keep the rest.
pushPush a figure back in a straight line for as many spaces as indicated. If the figure hits an obstacle, it suffers 1 Wound. If the figure would hit the obstacle more than once it suffers 2 Wounds. (Max. 2 Wounds). If the figure is pushed into another figure, both suffer 1 Wound.
regenerateRegenerate 1 Health or 1 Mana, your choice. You can't exceed your maximum.
Special DiceSpecial Dice are e.g. Elemental Dice (Fire/Frost). They can also inclue character specific dice.
stunLose 1 Action.